Fermentation Recipes
Be inspired by the magical and biological world of 'wild fermentation', learn how to make your own delicious probiotic foods and drinks at home for a happier gut microbiome, which ultimately governs the quality of our overall health.
Making fermented food at home can sound a bit worrying – after all, it goes against our intuitions to take fresh ingredients, cover them in salt and leave them out to ferment for days or weeks at a time. Fermentation is actually a very safe and simple way to create intense flavors while boosting nutritional content.
This collection of fermentation recipes will get you on your way to making healthy, delicious ferments and offer up some inspiration on how to use them in your cooking.
Learn how to make your own Kombucha Tea or Pineapple Tepache at home or get massaging some cabbages to make your LIVE probiotic Sauerkraut.
When preserving any food, it’s imperative to make sure your jars and equipment are all clean and sterile before using