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Frequently Asked Questions:
What is holistic cooking?
For me, holistic cooking is an all-around lifestyle approach and mindset toward food. Eating is an emotional experience that is becoming more complicated due to advertising, conflicting messaging online, and an abundance - or lack of available foods. My holistic approach to cooking incorporates the who, what, when, where, and why we eat what we eat!
What is plant-based?
On this site, we use it to describe a diet that revolves around eating vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and fruits, but with no animal products.
Why should I eat plant-based?
If you want to save money, be healthy, help the planet, and save animals, all at the same time, plant-based eating is a good choice for you.
What if I can’t eat plant-based all the time?
Don’t worry! It’s not all-or-nothing. Give yourself credit for making better choices, one meal at a time.
What about flour, salt, oil, and sugar?
The recipes and meal plans on this site don’t use any animal ingredients and are mostly comprised of whole foods (foods that are close to their natural state). This site is designed to make plant-based eating familiar and enjoyable to make the transition as easy and welcoming as possible for newcomers.
Do I need to start shopping at new stores?
No! You can still shop at the same grocery stores. You can buy fresh/frozen/tinned produce, beans, pasta, rice, oatmeal, cereal, and so much more! Check out the recipes and meal plans to find out how just how easy and cost-effective it is!